The 7 Hermetic Principles
These Hermetic Principles, interpreted from the Emerald Tablets, were outlined in the book “The Kybalion” which was published by the “Three Initiates” in 1908. This secretly held information was made available to all those who seek.
“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”
–The Kybalion.
These 7 Hermetic Principles are the foundation of spiritual awareness and key to our ability to re-connect with our Highest Consciousness.
We can relate these 7 principles to the energy of our multi-dimensional chakra system.
These 7 Principles depict the process of our embodiment from soul into physical form; the process of descending into the Earth Time-Space Reality. This begins with the mental creation of the Maya (illusion) of the reality and then how we participate in it.
We descend and then we embark on the process of ascending back to the Source of All That Is, the Oneness.
1) Mentalism (7th Chakra-Crown)
“Everything is mental; the Universe is a mental creation of the All.”
• Our 7th chakra connects us to our Divine Self. The aspect of us that is beyond the maya (illusion) of this reality.
• We are the creators of our reality through the creation of mental constructs.
• Using the morphogenic field, we organize energy into form that we then interact with using our physical senses. The morphogenic/morphogenetic field is the geometry- the higher dimensional building blocks of our reality and everything we experience in the physical world.
• Our thoughts create things. -
• When we do our inner alchemy, we shift our mental constructs and concept of ourselves. That new concept forms the new us.
• How we perceive our creations or our reality is unique to us. In order to change our reality, we must understand how to use the power of the mind.
• In essence, we are each living in an individual and collective virtual reality.
2) Correspondence (6th Chakra - Third Eye)
“As above so below; as below so above; as within so without; as without so within.”
• Our 6th chakra is the projector of our reality. Our inner world is projected out and perceived as our outer world and our experiences. We also use this chakra to form within the morphogenic field.
• We use the third eye to direct our creative power and to envision our “future” reality. Or we use it to see what we would consider past events.
• Correspondence tells us that everything in our outer world exists in our inner world. And that we live in a holographic Universe where everything in existence is contained within every particle of consciousness.
• Therefore we have access to the ALL THAT IS because it is also within us.
• This hermetic principle has been partially uncovered by physicists as they
came to prove and understand the concept of entanglement. Entanglement
in the simplest of terms means particles of energy when separated into two still behave as if they are one. SO if one of the separated particles is acted in on in some way, the other particle despite distance, will also react to that stimulus simultaneously.
• So what does this mean for us? It means that since we were all of one consciousness, we can never be separated from anyone or anything else.. including those aspects of consciousness that exist in what we consider other dimensions. And, everything we transmit energetically has an
impact on everything else and vice versa.
• This also explains the concept of critical mass. When enough of us raise our vibration and therefore consciousness, it causes a tipping point in the collective consciousness.
3) Vibration (5th Chakra - Throat)
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
• We are transmitters and receivers of energy; living as multi-dimensional beings within an infinite multi-dimensional energetic field.
• Just as our vocal folds vibrate when we speak to transmit sound waves, and
our middle ear mechanism vibrates as we receive sound waves, so do we transmit through our energetic field and receive back what matches that vibration.
• Through transmission of our dominant vibration (beliefs/thoughts/emotions), we imprint the quantum field, arrange the quantum particles that then become a manifestation that we then experience on the physical, mental and emotional planes.
4) Polarity (4th Chakra - Heart)
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites...”
• As we descend into this Earth environment, we leave what we have known as Unity Consciousness. We come from a source field without separation, and in order to experience ourselves in different aspects, we require an environment that has polarity/duality. We get the opportunity to experience all that is available in order to decide what we want to create based on preferences.
• The heart is the gateway between the ALL THAT IS unity consciousness and the Earth environment of duality.
5) Rhythm (3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus)
“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall...”
• The solar plexus is located right below the diaphragm in our physical bodies. When the diaphragm contracts, we pull air into our bodies through inhalation, and when it relaxes, we exhale.
• This rhythm of expansion and contraction is the basis for all life. The Universe itself expands and contracts in infinite cycles. We descend and ascend.
• We use our solar plexus chakra to exert our will in the world. We use the polarity of experiences to say, “I prefer this” or “I prefer that” and by doing so we gain new awareness as we contribute to the expansion of All That Is.
6) Cause and Effect ( 2nd Chakra - Sacral)
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; chance is but the name for a law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”
• The 2nd chakra is the energy gateway by which we create within the physical environment. It is the seat of our creation through action, whether that is the creation of a human life, a business, money, or art.
• All creation begins with a thought which is the first cause. Then through inspired action, we experience the full physical manifestation of the thought.
• “The Law” is the Law of Attraction, which dictates “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Simply stated, like attracts like.
7) Gender (1st Chakra - Root)
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.”
• At the very root of our embodiment into physical form, in the most literal sense,
is the blending of the masculine and feminine.
• The 1st chakra is associated with our very survival within this Earth reality.
• In an energetic sense, we must balance the feminine energy (intuitive, receiving, nurturing, introspective), with the masculine ( action, expression, output).
• Our root keeps us grounded so that we can have the foundation we need to experience this physical existence and our soul consciousness simultaneously.