Video Classes & Programs
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Ascend: Alchemy Course
Are you ready to up-level your life in every way and experience more spiritual awareness, love, health, and wealth?
Do you also want to help your clients or future clients do the same?
If so, you are in the right place!
“This alchemy program is nothing short of magical! This course beautifully bridges the gap between the mystical and the practical, making metaphysical concepts easy to grasp and integrate into daily life.
The guided meditations alone are worth the investment—they are truly life-changing! I’ve experienced shifts in my energy, mindset, and overall well-being that I never thought possible. The wisdom shared in this program has opened doors to a new level of understanding and self-awareness.
If you're looking for a program that not only teaches but also demonstrates real transformation, this is it! Highly recommend to anyone on their spiritual journey. “
- Colleen
This video-based course is designed to walk you step by step through the 7 stage process of letting go of the old patterns, programs, and limiting beliefs in order to re-connect with the Higher Self and higher levels of consciousness.
This course is the “What to Expect When You’re Ascending” guide to moving through the 7 stages of transformation for spiritual growth, financial abundance, health, love and well-being.
Through the 8 video lessons, you will learn about:
The 7 Hermetic Principles as the basis for all spiritual understanding.
The ancient mystery school teachings about alchemy and ascension.
The multi-dimensional blueprint that forms the framework and path for your life. Your path to alignment, transformation and healing (P.A.T.H.).
How to identify what programs and belief structures within your blueprint that are getting in the way of you living your true potential in every life area.
What you will experience in each stage of ascension and how best to navigate each stage.
The process of true re-connection to the 5th dimensional higher self and soul-level skill sets.
How to embrace your path as a light-worker, starseed, healer, energy worker, transformational teacher or intuitive and align with your soul-led purpose or business.
The step by step process of moving from lack to fulfillment, disconnection to connection and disempowerment to true soul empowerment.
Worksheets and Guided Attuning Meditations
In addition to the video lessons, you will find PDF worksheets designed to help you and/or your clients to identify limiting belief structures that are keeping you locked into certain life experiences.
There are 7 guided attunement meditations designed to attune you to your I AM presence and the 5th dimensional frequency. There is a meditation for each chakra which focuses on releasing, deactivating and healing any trauma, patterns or beliefs that are held within the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Join the monthly membership and pay $97 for this course. You save $47!