Soul Archetypes: What They Reveal About Your Life Purpose And Potential

Every human being incarnates into this lifetime with specific intentions and purpose. We choose the timing of our birth, our socio-economic condition, our family unit and geographical location. We come with some pre-determined destiny points or pivotal life circumstances, knowing they will contribute not only to our soul’s evolution, but also to the collective evolution in some way. The rest we create and co-create through our vibrational alignment with an infinite number of potential timelines while we are just living our lives.

But, what many people don’t know is that when we incarnate into these human forms, we bring with us all of the knowledge, experience and abilities attained in other lifetimes here as well as beyond this Earthly plane. They are embedded within the soul’s consciousness, the subconscious mind, and even in our physical bodies!

These abilities and knowledge reveal themselves to us first through impulses, inspiration and preferences. Have you ever wondered why you were drawn to certain practices or information? Have you felt a strong impulse to teach or share information with others? Have you had psychic experiences or been drawn to energy work? These inclinations are not random. They are your soul’s way of guiding you toward your purpose and to the realization of these innate skills sets or soul archetypes.

Over the last decade, I have done hundreds and hundreds of soul readings and have documented many different soul skill sets and archetypes. Some I encounter often, while others are more rare. Some are more broad in scope while others are very specific. And, the list keeps growing.

What are the 10 most common Starseed Soul Archetypes or Soul Skill Sets?

  1. The Shaman:

    This archetype is common among Pleiadian Starseeds especially, however, I do see this archetype with other groups too. Pleiadian souls tend to have had many lifetimes here on Earth and have chosen to have experiences within the various indigenous cultures around the world. Many have had lifetimes as a Shaman or “medicine man/woman.” The Shaman archetype includes abilities to connect with the spirit world, use natural elements and energies for healing purposes, do ancestral work, and traverse the different dimensions (especially the 4th and 5th dimensions).

  2. The Teacher:

    The teacher archetype is common among many different starseed groups because we come here to be the teachers, energy workers and way showers. But, when this archetype shows up in a soul reading, it means that this person’s higher purpose is to teach either through speaking or writing typically. Often those with the teacher archetype will gravitate earlier in life toward some form of teaching, writing or speaking profession. Then after they open to the spiritual path, they will move into the role of spiritual teacher.

  3. The Timeline Master:

    These souls have an innate ability to experience and deliberately traverse timelines in the 5D quantum field. This ability allows them to see into what we perceive as past or future lifetimes or even to project into probable future outcomes in their current lifetime. In terms of manifesting a desired outcome, these people have an advantage because they can immerse themselves in the preferred reality vividly and therefore manifest it quickly.

  4. The Integration Specialist:

    These souls hold knowledge of higher dimensional blueprints for consciousness and for the integration of these blueprints with the physical body. As we open to higher and higher vibrational levels of consciousness/dimensions, we embody more light. This is the process of activating the “light body”, and that is the goal of our inner work or “spiritual alchemy.” These souls have “been there, done that” and have incarnated to assist others in the process.

  5. The Dream/Astral Master:

    This archetype often coincides with the archetypes of the Shaman as well as the Psychic or Medium. These people are very busy during the sleep state! They have the ability to become lucid during dreams and can assist other people as well as 4th dimensional earthbound spirits within the astral planes. Often they will have premonitions or receive messages from spirit guides while asleep.

  6. The Medium:

    Those with this archetype have come to use their mediumship ability to connect the spirit world with the physical world in different ways. When this archetype is combined with the Dream/Astral Master archetype, a common soul purpose involves transmuting stuck energies in the 4th dimensional lower astrals. This may involve house clearings and clearing of the energy body.

  7. The Psychic:

    While we all have intuitive abilities that we can develop, when one has the archetype of the psychic, it means that they are meant to be using this ability as part of their higher purpose. A psychic can also be a medium and vice versa. But while a medium mainly receives information directly from a spirit, a psychic can tune into future timelines, or into the akashic field or quantum field to obtain information.

  8. The Transmitter:

    Typically, this archetype is prevalent with those that have a dominant heart chakra. Also, this is common with those who have a “crystal” energy. These souls tend to come with the purpose to raise the vibration collectively. When a transmitter is in a state of alignment, they can transmit a very pure, high frequency energy that can attune and heal others. This archetype often coincides with the skill set of the “light being conduit” - one who can be the channel for high dimensional beings. Some of these people may be drawn to speaking “light language.”

  9. The Ascension Guide:

    This is not as common as the others, however, I come into contact with archetype more and more. These souls who often have “rainbow energy” have experienced the ascension process and have incarnated to assist others with the process. They typically will still move through their own stages of spiritual alchemy/ inner work, but will discover this innate knowledge base and then step into the role of facilitator for others.

  10. The Magician:

    Those with the magician archetype can be master manifestors, especially if they also have a dominant 2nd or 7th chakra. As if they were holding a magic wand, they have to be extra aware of where that wand is pointed! They can easily manifest what they don’t want or what they do want depending on their dominant beliefs, thoughts and emotions.

When you know your dominant archetypes and energy centers, along with your soul”s dominant intentions for this lifetime, you begin to see a clear picture of the path and purpose you came here to live. If you want know more about who you are and why you are here, I’d love to tune in and find out for you! Check out my Soul PATH Session.


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The Power Of Alignment: Body, Mind & Spirit