Soul Aligning P.A.T.H. Certification Program

If you feel called to help people uncover their purpose and align with the most empowered version of who they are, this program can give you all the tools and knowledge you need to do just that!

Have you sampled the variety of healing, intuitive, and transformational modalities out there and not felt that “click” that tells you “This is YOUR thing”?

When I learned about the Soul Blueprint and the life changing information held within it, I knew this was my THING, and it changed my life!

Why? Because I knew I came to Earth to live my purpose and help other light-workers, starseeds, healers, and teachers like you to remember and live your purpose too!

To do that, we need to uncover the specific

PATH to ALIGNMENT, TRANSFORMATION, and HEALING that is held in the multi-dimensional soul blueprint for each of us.

This is me, and I have been doing this a long time!

I receive so much amazing feedback from clients after a Soul PATH session. I KNOW how life changing it can be, and the more of you who can offer this service, the more lives we can touch!

No matter what level of intuitive abilities you have now, this method is accessible to you.

Jami will help you “tune” in to the soul blueprint through attuning meditations and teach you how to use tools such as dowsing so that you can provide accurate information to your clients.

At the end of this program, you will be able to:

Provide P.A.T.H. Sessions for clients as a certified provider.

You will be able to help them understand their:

  • Soul’s purpose and intentions for this lifetime

  • Soul history and lineage

  • Soul archetypes and skill sets

  • Spiritual abilities to access and hone

  • Unique energetic design based on dominant chakras

  • Current stage of spiritual alchemy and what that means for them

  • Thoughts and actions that will bring them into soul alignment

    What is getting in their way of manifesting their ideal life, including:

  • Limiting programs within the ancestral lineage/DNA

  • Karmic patterns from other lifetimes

  • Energetic distortions held within the chakras, energy body or physical body

  • Unprocessed emotion held within the bodies

  • Trauma patterns

    And, you will have access to multi-dimensional healing methods and guided processes to facilitate healing.

This program will include 2 live zoom classes per month for 3 months, along with recorded video classes, meditations and dowsing charts.

Regular Price $997

With Soul Aligning Member Discount

You pay $888


2 payments of$444 or 3 payments of $297

Spring Registration is opening soon! Fill out the form below to let me know you are interested and you’ll be the first to know when registration opens!