Starseed Missions

Soul Aligning sessions are all about helping other Starseeds and Light-Workers remember their spiritual abilities, cosmic soul wisdom as well as what they intended when they came into this time-space reality. Starseeds incarnate into the human experience with a purpose. And most who come to me have an inner knowing that they are here to be a spiritual teacher, energy healer or way-shower and a strong desire to help and uplift people.

But they don’t really know how to focus that desire in a way that aligns with their soul’s intention for this lifetime.

Based on my soul readings and guide sessions, these are the most common reasons Starseeds choose to be here now:

Challenging Old Systems: “Indigo” Starseeds were the first who incarnate to shine the light on what isn’t working in our world. They are the rebels and serve as catalysts for change. The Crystal and Rainbow energy Starseeds take it to the next level! They often come to offer a whole new way of living in their Divine Truth and by doing so, serve as disrupters to the old ways, old paradigms and systems.

Soul Retrieval:  Most of the older Starseeds from groups like the Pleiades, Polaris and Sirius will go through the process of soul retrieval themselves and then will assist others through the process in some manner. Soul retrieval is a process of preparing and progressing in the ascension process by becoming energetically whole and aligned. Retrieving fragmented soul aspects is often necessary in order to align with the new blueprints for consciousness and activation of the multi-dimensional light-body

Alchemy: Progressing through the 7-stages of spiritual alchemy in order to correct any energetic distortions or limiting belief systems then integrate the new blueprint for humanity to whatever degree possible for that soul.

Raising Consciousness:  This soul mission involves living in a way, or projecting a level of vibration that will assist in promoting conscious awareness in the world. It may involve teaching, activism, or being an example of this higher level consciousness.

Raising Collective Frequencies:  These tend to be “Crystal” star- seeds who, when in there aligned state, are like living crystals, transmitting a high vibrational frequency connected to the crystalline 5D grid of consciousness. They tend to be drawn to travel or to move often.

Demonstrating Mastery/Ascension guides: This soul mission signifies that the soul plans to achieve a level of mastery in the area of spiritual development or in another life area, and then serving as an example for others. They show through their own example what we are all capable of mastering. Many that have this soul intention for this lifetime have experienced an ascension and have come to guide others. Most are rainbow energy starseeds or walk-in souls from Andromeda or Arcturus.

Sharing Ancient Wisdom: These souls have come to share information that has been recorded and held in their DNA and akashic records. This is ancient wisdom and cosmic information. We all have access to this information through our own super-conscious mind, however, it is not the mission of all of us to be sharing and teaching that information.

Master Healers: Many starseed souls incarnated now are here to assist others through various types of energy healing. Those that have chosen to be master healers will be working with methods that the higher dimensional realms have to offer.

If you would like clarity on your personal starseed mission, schedule a Soul PATH Session.


Are you a Starseed?