I help people from all walks of life step into their gifts as healers, intuitives, empaths, and spiritual teachers. I teach how to move through the 7 stages of alchemy to fully understand and access the soul’s lineage and abilities to transform your life and the lives of others!

As a multi-dimensional psychic channel, starseed, and ascension alchemy guide, I offer 1:1 soul readings, classes and resources to assist you in remembering your soul’s wisdom and potential.

I facilitate mind mastery through the alchemy process, to help you access your light-body and the ancient wisdom encoded in your DNA and quantum field.

Discover how to shift into higher dimensions of consciousness - 5D and beyond, and reconnect with your spirit guides and teachers.  When you reconnect with your soul’s gifts and knowledge, you unlock the door to quantum healing, inter-dimensional vision, psychic ability and more.

Do you know your personal Soul P.A.T.H?

Your specific Path to Alignment, Transformation, and Healing?

If the answer is “no”, don’t worry, I got you!

There is no “one size fits all” method to spiritual enlightenment. Your soul incarnated with intentions, purpose and tools for you to remember and use to be the way-shower, healer, teacher, uplifter you came here to be!

That is your P.A.T.H. I can help you find it!

If you haven’t had a Soul Path Session with me, START HERE.

Tree of Life Activation

This powerful session activates the higher chakras and soul memory banks allowing you to connect to more of your multi-dimensional essence, abilities, and soul wisdom.

This method, directed by ascended beings connected to the ancient mystery schools, uses geometries and 8th dimensional crystalline pillars of light to re-structure the holographic energetic field to facilitate expansion of your current awareness. Energy will be focused where it is needed based on your unique incarnation blueprint including your ancestral lineage, other lifetimes, physical/spiritual DNA, and more.

This session is conducted via Zoom (audio only) and will last approximately 45-60 minutes.

If you are ready to accelerate your spiritual path, click here to schedule

Connection is Everything!

And your connection to your Higher Self and Spirit Guides will serve you the most! Sign up for my email list and I’ll send you a free gift:

A four-part video series, “Connecting With Spirit 101.

 Want to connect with a community of like-minded people?

Join our light-worker community private Facebook Group here.

“When that code or signal is activated in you, that’s when Jami will appear in your life. She will take you through this awakening and remembering of who you really are and that’s when you will start LIVING. LIVING as in consciously and with the use of all your senses to learn and fulfill your purpose. To really know yourself, remove the dogmas, limiting beliefs, eliminate patterns that do not serve you and the pointless suffering in your life. You’ll learn to use your natural gifts and you will expand in all aspects of your life, from the mundane to the spiritual.”

— Ileana

Are you a Starseed Soul?

Starseeds are souls who have chosen to incarnate on Earth with the purpose of assisting in the elevation of consciousness and the awakening of humanity. They are the cosmic wanderers, carrying within them a deep remembrance of their celestial origins.

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Starseed Missions

Starseeds incarnate into the human experience with a purpose. And most who come to me have an inner knowing that they are here to be a spiritual teacher, energy healer or way-shower and a strong desire to help and uplift people.

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